I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!
Other Doctor Who novels I've read and reviewed:
* 12th Doctor:
Silhouette (Killer Origami) and The Crawling Terror (Giant Insects).
* 11th Doctor:
Touched by an Angel (Weeping Angels)
* War Doctor:
The Engines of War ("Ex-ter-mi-nate!")
The Blood Cell was the last of a bunch of Doctor Who novels featuring the new Doctor I got before the start of the series. Actually none of the books have really disappointed me, which I think is great news to start with!
This story is about Prisoner 24601 428 in The Prison, built on some far away asteroid. He's definitely causing a lot of trouble as he keeps escaping and tells the Governor that he has to listen to him, or a lot of people will die... What really going on with the Prison and who's this Prisoner 428?
The POV in this novel was very weird. It's first person for the Governor (instead of the Doctor or Clara). I really tried, but I never fully got used to it. It was confusing at times, and not something I would have chosen.
The plot was interesting, especially at the beginning. In the end it felt a bit too long, and what was going on reminded me a lot of an earlier episode (I think it would've been with the 9th or possibly the 10th Doctor). I won't tell more about it for I'm afraid to spoil things.
Overall, even though the POV was weird and the story felt a bit too long, it was an enjoyable read and I'm glad I read it. After all these positive experiences I'm going to look for more Doctor Who novels...