This one was really weird. So weird in fact that I stopped after a chapter to first read the original version this book was based on. (You can find my review for Machiavelli's The Prince here)
After reading the original I came back to this story and although I understood it better now, it still wasn't working for me. Let me explain. The book is basically two parts mixed together. The first part is an English translation of the original book, not unlike the Gutenborg version I read. This story is then intertwined with comics that explain what's being told in the previous chapter as well as some information to understand the historical/political setting of 15th century Europe better.
If I recall correctly this book was first published in Korea, and I think it would work better there as an introduction into European history/politics. What I know of 'modern takes' from Asia on the Western History (aka Hetalia) was indeed not unlike this book. But it's not something I'm accustomed to, so it wasn't really working for me. There were some strange anachronisms and a recurring cat dressed in renaissance clothing. The drawings looked a bit simple to me.
I'd expected something more like the Manga Classics I've been reading last year, but it was nothing like that. They stay very close to the original story, and although this book actually has the original text in it, it feels much like it diverges a lot more. This certainly was a weird and unusual read.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!