I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!
After their prestigious prep-school is about to close after mismanagement and fraud, an 'unlikely' bunch of teenagers work out a plan to steal some coins from the Mint. They make it look easy. If the security in places where they make coins really is so bad, I wonder if they shouldn't get robbed every day...
This book uses four different POVs (one for everyone in the team) and sometimes it was just confusing, and I had to return to the start of the chapter to see which POV I was reading at that time. There just wasn't enough differentiation between the characters, which is very important if you decide to use multiple POVs.
The four kids actually don't really know each other, except they go to the same school, but they share no friends, still even before they team up they are continually mentioning each other. (It's almost as if they knew what was going to happen :P ) The story is very slow in the beginning, it takes quite some time for the planning to actually start (and as this book is called Coin Heist, it's no surprise what the plan is going to be.
Like I said, everything is too easy for them. I mean, how lucky they were to know someone who can make some good fake IDs. How lucky they are they've got a lot of money to spend on this operation... It makes the book loose credibility, or at least, makes me loose my interest. The ending was weak, but ties all the loose ends together, although sometimes a bit forced. It was quick read, but if you -like me- don't like it when the characters have a really easy time doing whatever they plan to do, then this book isn't for you...