Dark Father - James Cooper

I received a free copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!


It had been some time since I last read a mystery like this book. It starts with three different story lines, and it took me a while to connect the dots (in my defence, the author has withheld some important information till the end of the book), but I was curious and thinking how the stories were connected. 


The stories are all twisted in their own way. A mother and a child, pursued by their now one-eyed but enraged husband/father. A father, desperate to keep his 'happy' family together. A man, who sees his daddy in everyone he meets. It's definitely not 'feel good'.


However, it's a very decent suspense novel. It kept me interested throughout the story. It was nice to read. Some characters felt a bit flat, but it didn't really bother me. I'll definitely keep James Cooper's name in mind when searching for a book to read.