Light - Michael  Grant

This review will be mostly in spoilers =)


And, there was Light.
Long awaited last book in the Gone series by Michael Grant.


Light is set immediately after Fear, so you better read them back to back (if possible of course).


It was, as always in the FAYZ, a fast and suspenseful read. Michael Grant makes sure there is not a dull moment. Especially now

the devil Gaia has been born, and takes a sadistic liking in killing every living soul who happens to be alive after a year. Hooray, so far for happy ending. She turns this book into one big killing spree...

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I was really happy that the ending didn't turn out to be

as disappointing as Under The Dome (Stephen King), cause I thought the playing Aliens were plain ridiculous. Still, it's almost as if they decided together that an unexplainable dome can only be explained if aliens are somehow involved (Yes, I know it was Little Pete who created the dome, but still).

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What bothered me a bit though was

the statistics given in the end. I think there should be far more dead children. (I've read the first books years ago, so it's not completely clear for me who died when, but I do remember the children were dropping like flies). Gaia, alone is this last book kills over 90 children (people at the lake, the bus, PB/Highway), that would leave another 40 for all the other books. How about the babies/toddlers they forgot about? The Coyotes? The Bugs? The additional killing/suicides?

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