I read this third novel in the Gone series straight after the second one, Hunger. Perhaps that's why I was sucked into the story again from page one. We're now seven months in the FAYZ, so quite some time has again passed, when strange (even for there standards) things start to happen. There are a lot rumours, but what is true? And what are the - you'll have guessed it - lies?
Again, new characters, new mutants, new trouble. But never forget the trouble and problems they had in the previous books, because they're here as well. A lot of different story lines in this book, and especially as there is a lot of questions about what is true and what is it, I found it very interesting to read from many different POVs. This is also the first time more attention is given to what is - if there is anything at all - outside the FAYZ.
An interesting third instalment in the Gone series.