There are some major spoilers here for the first two books in the Ranger's Apprentice series!
Will and Evelyn are abducted to Skandia and sold as slaves, as Halt is forced to leave the Rangers and teams up with Horace in order to find Will and bring him back to safety, while also fighting their own battles in Gallica.
It starts right off where the second book ended, so I was immediately sucked into the story once more. There are many new places in this book (especially of course the cold, cold, Skandia). It's nice to see how determined Halt is to safe Will.
What did trouble me though was that the end of this book, once more, didn't really feel like an end to me. There is still so much that needs to be solved, and as these books aren't big, I wonder why they don't just combine some of them.
Now, onto book four!
Note: I read a Dutch translation of this book!