Oh, this one was creepy. I can't exactly explain why (except for the very obvious reasons), and normally I read everything without a single blink. But I couldn't keep that up this time. Maybe it was the extreme body count, I'm still not sure.
I did like the book, it was an easy reading suspense novel. My first book by Simon Beckett, but afterwards I also read The Chemistry of Death, his first book. I would recommend this to anyone who has a strong stomach, that probably will help, as there are quite lively descriptions on decomposing bodies (strangely that also happens on the few pages where they don't happen to stumble upon the remains of yet another victim of the serial killer).
And, who would donate his body to a body farm?!
Note: Whispers of the Dead is the third book in the David Hunter series by Simon Beckett
Note: I read a Dutch translation of this book