Hello there, I hope everyone is having fun on the last day of the decade. It is a period of looking back and I took a look at my reading of the last decade. While I didn't collect all the data for the last 10 years, I started keeping precise track of what I was reading at the end of 2009, providing quite a lot of data for this decade.
I started by taking a look at how many books I have read and whether these were tree books or ebooks (There's only a couple of audiobooks actually). This year I read 213 books (surpassing my goal of 208!), six more than last year. My record remains 2016 when I read a 366 books (= one book per year). Ebooks got a hold and basically took over my reading when I joined Netgalley and bought first my Kobo and later my Kindle eReaders. This year there was a little bit more tree books, as I was making my way through Penguin's Little Black Classics series. I read over 52000 pages, which is 1000 more than last year, and averaging on 244 pages per book vs 246 last year.
I'm always looking for weird and not necessarily useful stats, like months where I read more or less books than others. This has been divided per year. In 2015 I read most evenly resulting in more or less similar months. 2019 it is clear I had to do some catching up with the challenge in November and December, but I made it. Reading is more concentrated in July and December now that I no longer have month-long holidays. Between the days of the month there is, as expected, no real differences.
I took a look at the male/female author ratio for my books, which had become increasingly balanced over the year, where I have switched from reading Dutch books to almost exclusively English books (only 2 Dutch books in the last year). I knew I was reading a lot of English books from 2014 onward, with the reviewing and all, but apparently the switch was already in the making from 2011 from the moment I no longer had to read books for English lit.
Finally, I wanted to take a quick look at the TBR and the ROOTS. You may be aware that I have quite a lot of books I still need to read, and I wanted to take a look how for I had come since last February, when I also posted an update. In the end the TBR went down all the way from 1729 to 1720. (I had hoped for more). I will continue reading old books next year and hope for the best. 68% percent of my books this year were ROOTS, so in my possession at 1/1/2019, added during a variety of years. I hope to get similar numbers in 2020.
Looking at the TBR, there is still a lot of books from 2015 left, so I know where to start in 2020.
Finally, I took a quick look in the data and found each year's longest read. Les Mis was the longest read and only took me a couple of years to read. I already have a good contender for the 2020 spot; I'm currently reading War and Peace.
I wanted to finish with some books and series that I thoroughly enjoyed over the last decade. While it is definitely not complete, I liked all of them a lot. In no particular order.
Happy 2020! Happy Bookish New Year and All The Best!