Girl Number One - Jane Holland

Eleanor witnessed her mother's murder as a little girl. Now, she finds a body in exactly the same spot. Only, the police can later not find it.

I find it slightly ironic that while I read this book I was very annoyed by the main character, while one of the main points of the stories is that the police and everyone think she is not completely in her right mind. Eleanor made such strange decisions and was complaining a lot, which really decreased my appreciation of the story. The story on the other hand was never that much of a surprise for me. There are a lot of twists in the story, as Eleanor considers every male characters as the potential murderer. Only, anyone who's ever read the same kind of book before, it will be no surprise whether or not the body Eleanor found is real...

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!