Don't Eat the Glowing Bananas - David D. Hammons

Sound advice, I wouldn't eat them either.


I think from the title it is clear that this is not the most serious book and that you will have to let reason go at times in order for it to make sense (if it makes sense at all, that is). In this case, what you see is what you get, because it is exactly that kind of book.


Henry Rosetta for some reason is a food critique reviewing the places he eats while looking for the answer to one question: why did the bombs fell? All of this is of course set in a post nuclear war zone Texas with some strange inhabitants, including dancing (some of them riverdancing) zombies.


If you like this absurd weirdness from time to time, this is the book for you. I liked, but only when reading relatively short fragments at a time. Is this a book I would finish in a single sitting? Probably not, but spread over a few days I quite enjoyed myself.


Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!