It's been a while since I could say: This is not like anything I can remember I've ever read. In the sea of (slightly) Dystopian YA Broken Dolls has managed to do something special: be original.
Ella is a doll, and has been so for 30 years. She knows that before she was human, but can't remember anything of that times and is not particularly worried either. She lives with The Professor, who created her. But when he introduces a new doll to Ella, things are about to change.
I liked it. The story remains quite small. It's mostly Ella, the Professor and Gabby, his grandchild and they stay mostly in the house. I couldn't see the major twist coming. Some revelations about Ella gave quite a sad twist to the story. I wonder what is going to happen in the next book. The only thing I would have liked to see a bit more of was the worldbuilding. Exactly what is this infection? Why is it such a disaster?
Broken Dolls is the first book in a series with the same name.
Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!