The Devil You Know - K.J. Parker

The greatest philosopher (and trickster) of his time, Saloninus offers his soul to the devil in exchange for twenty more years to complete his work. Although suspicious, the devil agrees and they spend the rest of the time together. When time starts running out, in this Faustian story it is the devil who's getting nervous...


I really enjoyed this story. It's quite short but it was still told well. I'm always a fan of Faustian stories, and this was no exception. What I liked was that there was a world around it that we get to see some glimpses from. It made me curious to other stories set in the same world. One minor thing that was confusing: sometimes it was difficult to follow who's POV we were following, as this switches a lot and Saloninus' and the devil's voice sounded quite similar.


Would recommend!


Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!