I'm a fan of the show but currently I'm terribly behind on watching the series. Luckily there are books like these that I have the time to sneak in between my other reading.
The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory land on a faraway planet where some weird thing are happening at a fair with a ride, that's not without a reason called the Death Ride.
I really quite enjoyed this story. It's a very fast read and it reads as if you're watching an episode of the show. While perhaps aimed at a somewhat younger audience it was very enjoyable and I liked the way the characters were portrayed.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Other Doctor Who novels I've read and reviewed:
* 12th Doctor:
Silhouette (Killer Origami), The Blood Cell (Prison), The Crawling Terror (Giant Insects), Lights Out (No More Coffee)
* 11th Doctor:
Touched by an Angel (Weeping Angels)
* 10th Doctor:
Keeping Up With The Joneses (Strange village)
* 4th Doctor:
The Drosten's Curse (Weirdness)
* 3rd Doctor:
The loneliness of the Long Distance Time-Traveller (Alternative England)
* 2nd Doctor:
The Anti-Hero (Ancient Alexandria)
* War Doctor:
The Engines of War ("Ex-ter-mi-nate!")