The Mysterious Disappearance of the Reluctant Book Fairy (Bibliomysteries) - Elizabeth George

I already knew Elizabeth George from her Lynley-series, which I admit I liked watching better than reading. Or perhaps I just read the wrong book of the series, that's also a possibility. However, this sweet short story is completely different.


I won't tell too much about the story, but it's about the book fairy, who can let herself and others experience the books in a far more real way. I know many booklovers who also love to read about fellow readers (myself included) and this booklet works really good. The story was very interesting, although I didn't really understand the classification as a mystery. So the story was a bit different from what I expected.


Would recommend! I might even try another Lynley-book.


Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!