And Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales
In 2012, a bunch of long lost fairy tales were discovered. Now, we can read them for the first time in an English translation. What I really liked about the fairy tales is that they were written down as the local stories of the region. And while some of them do seem very similar to more well known fairy tales, it just goes to show how stories start to diverge in different regions.
I'm not at all that familiar with reading real fairy tales, the ones that do not have a happy ending and a Disney wedding at the end. The stories are very short, sometimes just a few pages long, but it was easily and readable. It also read way faster than I anticipated. Sometimes the stories did feel a little bit more of the same, but not to the point it got annoying.
If you love fairy tales, you should check out these new ones. But you might want to choose something else to read to your little children.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!