All the reviews I found on this book were super positive, but I was less charmed.
Mostly because I couldn't see how this book was any different from at least a dozen or more books I read before. Nicole swaps her house in California for one in London for the summer to be able to see the real London and accompany her husband, who's working in London. Almost as soon as she arrives, weird things start happening, and why are the Lowrys, whom they switched homes with, not answering their phones...
While it started out quite interesting, near the end it was filled with every cliché ever. The villain really was one dimensional (if he even had a single dimension), and the other bad guys were caricatures. The ending was too dramatic all together (and something I'd seen before already).
Because the start actually wasn't that bad and I could see some real potential (this could have been a really good book but for the turn it took), still 2.5 stars, but I wouldn't really recommend it.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!