Assassin's Creed: Renaissance (Assassin's Creed (Unnumbered)) - Oliver Bowden

I'll just admit it up front: Assassin's Creed II is one of my favourite games. I mean, it completely had me at renaissance Italy.


This book is quite literally the game, but then written down. Even all the complete uses exercises/lessons in the game have somehow made it into the book. Remember a task where all you need to do is carry a crate? No? Trust me, that's a task and it's in the book as well. Oh, Ezio, could you not find me more of this codex pages? It's in there.


There isn't too much to say about the story, since it's the game. I don't know if I would recommend this to someone who doesn't have nice memories to the game, because the writing is at best not really good. It feels weird, not fluent and the events are sometimes kind of thrown together. I think this would probably be due to the fact that their were very few new elements in the story. At times I cringed and even more times I just smiled, for as I realised I was reading a bad book, I couldn't stop but liking it. A lot.


And if you just don't have too much expectations, and just want an easy read, this might be a very enjoyable read. I will be reading at least the next book in the series.