Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice Softcover - Jane Austen

I've been reading (and enjoying) some of the other Manga Classics like Les Misérables and The Scarlet Letter. So, even though I never really liked Pride and Prejudice I was very curious to this manga adaptation.


But it failed to capture my heart. It's been some years since I read P&P, and I don't have too happy memories of it. (I needed to read it for school, in a short period with loads of other stuff), So, I'm not planning on a reread soon. However, I didn't like this adaptation as much as I did the others. The style seemed a bit too much sometimes, as if the subtlety of the book was missing. 


This doesn't mean I don't think that it is a good way of introducing people to literary classics. On the contrary! It's just that I preferred the others I've read so far, which may or may not be because I don't particularly like the story of P&P.


Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!