March 2015 In Books
March 2015 In Books

It has been a blast last month. Although I feel like I've had very little time to do anything, let alone reading, I've finished 24 books. An accomplishment of which I'm very proud. This puts my three month average on 25 books, and means I'm 24 books ahead (a complete month!) ahead of my schedule for 207 books! *happy dance*


I particularly enjoyed reading the second and third instalment of the Finishing School series, Curtsies & Conspiracies and Waistcoats & Weaponry. The Dark Choir-series was another nice surprise! The Grimm Tales, Some Fine Day and Rings In Time couldn't live up to my expectations. Twenty Trillion Leagues Under The Sea, The Room, and The Experiment of Dreams I can only explain as weird. Really weird...


So, what have you read this month?


Toby Neal - Island Fire

Tony Parsons - Dead Time (DC Max Wolfe)

Adam Roberts - Twenty Trillion Leagues Under The Sea

Dina Cheney - Mug Meals

Billy Lovecraft - Billy Lovecraft Saves The World


Chuck Dixon - Winterworld Vol 1

Trudi Meister - Rings In Time

Sergei Lukyanenko - The Genome

Amy Bearce - Fairy Keeper

Janna Jennings - Grimm Memories (Grimm Tales #2)


J.P. Sloan - The Curse Servant (The Dark Choir #2)

Melanie Tem - The Yellow Wood

J.P. Sloan - The Curse Merchant (The Dark Choir #1)

Katie Coyle - Vivian Apple At The End Of The World (Vivian Apple #1)

Jonas Karlsson - The Room


Kat Ross - Some Fine Day

Sarah Benwell - The Last Leaves Falling

Stacy King - Pride & Prejudice (Manga Classics)

Gail Carriger - Waistcoats & Weaponry (Finishing School #3)


Brandon Zenner - The Experiment Of Dreams

Gail Carriger - Curtsies & Conspiracies (Finishing School #2)

Janna Jennings - A Grimm Legacy (Grimm Tales #1)

Robert Kirkman - A Darkness Surrounds Him (Outcast Vol.1)

J.D. Tew - The Ghost of Sephora (Theodore Crane #2)


I'm a bit behind on my reviews as you can see, but this post will be updated once the reviews have been written...