I don't have too much to say about A Grimm Legacy. I finished the book a few weeks ago (I know it, I'm horribly behind on my reviewing) and frankly - but unsurprisingly - my eReader did yet another reboot deleting all my notes.
Which brings me immediately to the biggest problem with the book. The story is quite forgettable. I remember some of the details but the story itself is a bit of blur. Not that it was that much better immediately after reading.
What I really liked was the fact it tries to interweave well known and lesser known (at least in my region) fairy tales in to one story. I suppose they are all Grimm tales, though I wouldn't know enough about that to check it. The only problem is that the execution of this idea doesn't really work. It results in some fairy tales being really glanced over while others receive almost half the book. It never really worked for me.
I was also wondering about the world. Almost every fairy tale has his/her own prince/evil queen et cetera. How can they all live in peace together? The characters are all quite interchangeable except for one girl who gets kidnapped all the time.
I didn't really plan on continuing the series, although I normally like fairy tales with a twist I saw that this one wasn't really for me, but I already had an ARC for the next book in this series, so I read that one as well. (Review to come)
A Grimm Legacy is the first book in the Grimm Tales series. The second book is Grimm Memories.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!