Promise Me - Harlan Coben

This was the first book I read written by Harlan Coben and the cover text promised it to be a very thrilling book. That fact and the very reasonable price (about 3 euros) made me decide to start reading Harlan Coben. I'm glad I did. 

Meet Myron Bolitar. At a party he lets the daughter of a friend promise him to never ever drink and drive. He says to her he will always come and drive her home if she wouldn't get home safely otherwise. Just a few weeks later she calls him and Myron gets out of bed to bring her home. The next day, she is

Eens Beloofd (Promise Me)missing and Myron is the last person to see her alive. He starts his own investigation.

I liked this book. The story is not very complicated and you can read it very fast. There aren't to many useless details. It is a good book to read when you are searc


hing for a book that doesn't request lots of thinking. Nice to read during vacation or weekends though. It made me decide to read more books written by Harlan Coben.


Note: I read a Dutch translation of this book