Dark Vision - Debbie   Johnson City of God - Cecelia Holland The Many Lives of Ruby Iyer - Laxmi Hariharan The Curse Keepers Collection - Denise Grover Swank Sea of Stars (The Kricket Series Book 2) - Amy A. Bartol Harrison Squared - Daryl Gregory Shutterspeed - Erwin Mortier The Thorn and the Sinking Stone (Entangled Teen) - CJ Dushinski Tookey's Talkies: 144 Great Films From the Last 25 Years - Christopher Tookey

Moonlight Reader started the TBR Thursday, and I think it's a good way to a) show what new books I've got and b) confront myself with my inability to lower my TBR. In fact, since I started recording it, it has risen significantly. I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong here...


Still no success lowering the TBR, so I just keep trying, and hope next week will be better, TBR-lowering wise. It would be a lot easier if there weren't so many books out there that sounded interesting. 


TBR pile currently stands at 348. (+20; seriously what happened; except that I added the Curse Keeper's Collection as individual books)

(Netgalley ARCs at 163 (+8))