The Maze Runner - James Dashner Alias Hook - Lisa Jensen The Sweet Far Thing - Libba Bray City of Bones - Cassandra Clare The Metamorphosis and Other Stories - Franz Kafka, Jason Baker, Donna Freed Bring Up the Bodies - Hilary Mantel The Raw Shark Texts - Steven Hall Seed - Lisa Heathfield The Red Magician - Lisa Goldstein Walking the Labyrinth - Lisa Goldstein

Moonlight Reader started the TBR Thursday, and I think it's a good way to a) show what new books I've got and b) confront myself with my inability to lower my TBR. In fact, since I started recording it, it has risen significantly. I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong here...


I've had a very bad week (or good) depending on what you're measuring. I wanted to lower my TBR but I've quite impressively failed. However, this means I've added loads (literally) of books. And they all seem really exciting. I'd expected to have a slight increase because there was a great book sale last weekend (but I bought 13 books, which must be close to a record for me). And then there were quite a lot of Netgalley books that I got approved/invited for, which is also really nice, but makes this week's TBR massive. So prepare. And did I already say that I'm buried in work for the University right now. I wish I had some time. 


TBR pile currently stands at 236. (+21)

(Netgalley ARCs at 77 (+6))


The Maze Runner is actually the four book box set. I've already read the first book and thought it was OK, but after watching the film I wanted to continue reading the series.


Alias Hook is a book I've wanted to read ever since I first came across it , so I was really glad when I found it Sunday morning.


I wanted to finish another series, so finally bought The Sweet Far Thing. The reviews aren't overwhelming to say the least, but I'll be glad if I can close a series.


City of Bones actually stands for the first three books in the series. It's going to be a group read with one of my book forums. So, I'm curious to see if I'll like it.


The Metamorphosis because sometimes I feel like reading something different.


Bring Up The Bodies is one of those books I've heard so much about that now I just want to try it out and read it.


The Raw Shark Texts has been read by a number of my friends and they all really liked it, so I regretted not buying it myself. So now I did get my own copy.


Seed, The Red Magician & Walking the Labyrinth seemed like really interesting stories, so I requested them on Netgalley.