Thinking About it Only Makes it Worse: And Other Lessons from Modern Life - David Mitchell

Moonlight Reader started the TBR Thursday, and I think it's a good way to a) show what new books I've got and b) confront myself with my inability to lower my TBR. In fact, since I started recording it, it has risen significantly. I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong here...


This week has actually been the first week I've not significantly increased my TBR. Only one new book, I'm a little bit proud to say, because I really want to lower my TBR which won't work if I keep getting a lot of books each week. I'm quite busy right now as university has started again and I'm a bit behind on my ARCs.


TBR pile currently stands at 182. (-1)

(Netgalley ARCs at 65 (-2))


My only new book is an ARC for Thinking about it only makes it worse by David Mitchell (not to be confused with David Mitchell the author of Cloud Atlas). I haven't read anything written by him yet, but like to watch/listen to QI and The Unbelievable Truth.


What new books have you added to your TBR this week?