Nothing O'Clock - Neil Gaiman


Featuring the eleventh Doctor, this e-short was my first book by Neil Gaiman. And this was a very nice surprise. I had heard a lot of positive things about his writing, and it didn't disappoint.


I also have read some other Doctor Who novels (whole list with reviews below) and I find them really interesting. The story in this e-short didn't disappoint either.


Craze people asking you to ask them how late it is. Even though the story is very short, it was creepy enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Would recommend as a short read.


Other Doctor Who novels I've read and reviewed:

* 12th Doctor:

Silhouette (Killer Origami), The Blood Cell (Prison) The Crawling Terror (Giant Insects)

* 11th Doctor:

Touched by an Angel (Weeping Angels)

* 10th Doctor:

Keeping Up With The Joneses (50th anniversary E-short)

*3rd Doctor:

The loneliness of the Long Distance Time-Traveller (Alternative England)

* War Doctor:
The Engines of War ("Ex-ter-mi-nate!")